Digital Workbook
The digital workbook is a web-based solution, so trainees can access any new product content efficiently and flexibly.
It's device agnostic - tablet, phone, computer, on or off-line.
Case Study
Key benefits:
The system comes with a unique reporting suite which displays the length of time spent working on specific content within a workbook; giving trainers an oversight on how their trainees are performing in specific areas.
The digital workbook allows for easy access on either mobile or desktop formats making the classroom a flexible concept.
Satisfaction surveys at the end of each training module are the integral part of each training.
Note taking capabilities for delegates and a detailed search functionality give delegates quick and easy access to the key messages and content.
Fully secure and compliant with current regulations.
Interested in experiencing how the Digital Workbook can transform your training approach?
The Client's Problem:
Faced with the challenges of a high staff turnover and gaps in sales consultants' knowledge, coupled with high printing cost and old fashioned training methods, Hyundai America and their In-Dealer Training partner GP Strategies came to us to formulate a training approach that would address these challenges and have a direct impact on learning experience and sales results.
Our Solution:
In response, Bridge Learning Tech has developed a digital workbook; a content creation and delivery platform that facilitates dynamic and engaging experience, provides critical insights and reporting and streamlines the training process to make it efficient, insightful and cost-effective.
The digital workbook is a web-based solution, so trainees can access any new product content efficiently and flexibly. It's device agnostic - tablet, phone, computer, on or off-line. Intuitive authoring capabilities means the content managers can create the workbooks as simply as working with MS Office 365.
Team leaders and national managers also benefit from the rich analytics and reporting and the ability to measure effectiveness of each in-dealer training session.
The Digital Workbook has proven to be a big success with both trainers and delegates. HMA and GP Strategies have reported that the system is easy to use, intuitive and engaging on a level not previously seen.
Without the need for paper support materials the learning is more dynamic, easily updated and improved and has made the whole process much simpler. The process has also saved money in material production costs, savings that have been reinvested. The retention levels witnessed are greatly improved and the trainers have been particularly impressed with the results.
As the Digital Workbook evolves and is taken up by even more of HMA's dealerships the results in terms of staff retention, increasing sales conversions and improving performance will be clear to see. It is even reported that Sales Consultants are using the digital workbooks with potential customers, as an educational tool. HMA and GP Strategies are delighted with the results.
Maison Cambridge, rue Henry.
Bath BA1 1BT, Royaume-Uni
2950, avenue Buskirk, bureau 300
Walnut Creek, Californie 94597
Bâtiment Kyobo, 15e étage, 1 Jongno,
Séoul 03154, Corée
© 2024 Bridge Learning Tech
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