Driving Innovation: Steve Nash on Transforming the Automotive Industry
In this podcast episode, Steve Nash shares his extensive career journey in the automotive industry, highlighting his path from a summer job to becoming a key figure at BMW, where he spent 26 years. Nash discusses his various roles, including setting up BMW's right-hand drive engineering program and becoming a director involved with BMW, Mini, and Rolls-Royce. He also talks about his involvement with the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), where he has served as a chairman and president for a decade, and his current role as CEO since 2013.
Nash emphasises the importance of professional standards in the automotive sector, the industry's ongoing technological transformations, and the necessity of regulation and training for new technologies. He concludes by advocating for diversity and inclusivity in the industry to address the high number of vacancies and the need for a skilled workforce.
The Value of Apprenticeships
Changing Perceptions of the Automotive Industry
Diversity and Inclusion in Automotive
The Importance of Diverse Hiring
The Future of Automotive Skills
Early Career Guidance in Schools
Collaboration in a Competitive Industry
Meritocracy in the Automotive Industry
The Role of AI in Industry Training
The Future of Mobility
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