Driven by Change: Navigating Career and Industry Evolution in the Automotive Sector
Join us in this insightful episode of the "Driven by Change" podcast as we explore the transformative journey of a seasoned automotive professional from mechanic to industry leader. Our guest shares his extensive experience and valuable lessons from over three decades in the automotive sector, detailing the shift from traditional mechanics to modern automotive technologies. This episode delves into the significance of mentorship, continuous learning, and the crucial role of technological advancements in shaping automotive careers.
Discover how businesses like Halfords are adapting to the changing landscape through innovation in training, recruitment, and workplace diversity. Learn about the challenges and opportunities presented by electric vehicles and digitalisation in the industry. Whether you're a professional in the automotive field, a technology enthusiast, or someone passionate about career development, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and insights into navigating professional growth and industry evolution.
Key Topics Discussed:
Career transitions in the automotive industry
The impact of technology on automotive practices
Strategies for attracting and retaining skilled talent
The role of diversity and inclusivity in business growth
Future trends in automotive technology and training
Perfect for industry professionals, educators, and students in the automotive and tech sectors, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the future of automotive technology and workforce development.
Introduction to Andy Turbefield's Career Journey
Evolution of Automotive Careers
Expanding Business and Skill Mobility
The Role of Family and Early Influences
Training and Career Development
Challenges of Modern Automotive Training
Diversity and Inclusion in Automotive Careers
Impact of Technology on Automotive Careers
Future of Automotive Technology and Education
Role of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Training
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