Empowering Teams & Customer Experience with Kerry Thompson
In this episode of Leap Forward, we are joined by Kerry, founder of Akeno LTD and a seasoned expert in business transformation with over two decades of experience. Kerry shares her insights on leveraging systems to enhance customer experience, the critical role of empowered and knowledgeable teams, and the importance of seamless omnichannel strategies. With a track record of driving organisational change and innovation, Kerry offers valuable perspectives on empowering people for long-term success. Don't miss this engaging conversation with a true pioneer of change and innovation!
Kerry discusses her career journey and transforming businesses.
Challenges and opportunities in the automotive industry.
Kerry talks about her passion for cars and entry into the industry.
2016 Volkswagen project introducing new retail concepts.
Importance of clear success metrics in projects.
Embedding and continuous improvement in transformation projects.
Role of training and skills in driving innovation.
Using technology to enhance omnichannel experiences.
Need for robust systems and empowered teams.
Closing remarks and appreciation for Kerry's insights.
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