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Navigating the Digital Roadmap: Ian Plummer on AutoTrader's Data-Driven Revolution in Car Buying

Today on Leap Forward, we sit down with Ian Plummer, the Commercial Director at AutoTrader, to explore how digital transformation is revolutionising the way we buy and sell cars. Ian shares how AutoTrader uses data, AI, and machine learning to reshape the automotive market, giving us a glimpse into the future of the industry.


We'll also discuss the challenges around electric vehicle affordability, the evolution of omnichannel car buying, and how sustainability is becoming a central focus in the automotive world. If you’re keen to stay ahead of the curve in the world of car sales and technology, this episode is full of valuable insights. Here it is.

Ian shares invaluable insights on:

11:04 - 11:18

Market Overview

11:32 - 11:50

EV Affordability Challenge

18:06 - 18:38

Data-Driven Decision Making

19:35 - 19:59

AI in AutoTrader

26:32 - 26:54

Consumer Journey in Car Buying

29:10 - 29:34

Digital Transformation of Car Buying

32:03 - 32:27

AutoTrader's Purpose

34:35 - 34:49

Inclusivity and Diversity

Next Episode:

Steve Nash, IMI

Today, we’re joined by Steve Nash, a long-standing figure in the automotive world after 26 years at BMW...



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