Reinventing Wheels: The Tech Revolution Driving Mobility's Future
Join us for an enlightening conversation with Chris Mason, CEO of FISITA, as he unveils the cutting-edge advancements shaping the automotive industry's future. In this episode, we explore:
The evolution from traditional automotive engineering to mobility technology
How AI, machine learning, and big data are revolutionizing vehicle design
The shift towards electrification and sustainable transportation solutions
Bridging the gap between academia and industry in engineering education
The changing role of technologists in automotive boardrooms
Strategies for attracting and retaining top talent in the mobility sector
FISITA's role in fostering global collaboration and innovation
The impact of COVID-19 on R&D and virtual engineering
Preparing for the future of autonomous and connected vehicles
Insights into the upcoming World Mobility Summit
Whether you're an automotive professional, tech enthusiast, or industry leader, this podcast offers invaluable insights into the intersection of technology and mobility. Discover how the automotive sector is transforming into a hub of innovation, sustainability, and cutting-edge technology.
Learn about the skills needed to thrive in this rapidly evolving industry and gain a competitive edge by understanding the trends shaping the future of transportation.
Stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of automotive technology. Listen now and gear up for the mobility revolution!
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